
write_garage_file(vehicle_list, out_path, out_garage_format, **kwargs)[source]#

Write a .txt garage file from a list of Vehicle objects.

  • vehicle_list (list[_Vehicle]) – A list of Vehicle objects.

  • out_path (Path) – The path of the output garage file.

  • out_garage_format (Literal[1,2,3,4]) –

    The format of the output .txt garage file.

    1: CASTOR format.

    2: BEDIT format.

    3: DITIS format.

    4: MON format (Recommended).

Keyword Arguments:

vehicle_class_type (Literal["axle", "pattern"], optional) –

axle: Categorise vehicle by axle.

pattern (Default): Categorise vehicle by pattern.

Return type:
