Instructions for Developers#

This file presents instructions for PyBTLS developers.

Create working repository with developer install#

  1. Fork PyBTLS GitHub repository

  2. Clone repo

    git clone <forked-repo>
  3. Create new PyBTLS developer environment

    conda env create -f environment.yaml
  4. Activate developer environment

    conda activate pybtls-dev
  5. Change directory to pybtls fork

    cd path_to_forked_repo
  6. Install developer version

    pip install -e .
  7. Install depedencies

    conda install -c anaconda pytest
    conda install -c anaconda sphinx
    conda install -c conda-forge black
    pip install sphinx_autodoc_typehints
    pip install nbsphinx
    pip install pydata_sphinx_theme
  8. Add PyBTLS as upstream

    git remote add upstream

Develop and create pull-request (PR)#

  1. Create new branch

    git checkout -b <new-branch>
  2. Pull updates from PyBTLS main

    git pull upstream main
  3. Develop package

    • For new features related to the simulation, modify the C++ code in ./cpp/.

    • Expose your new features to Python by modifying ./cpp/src/py_main.cpp, ./py/pybtls/lib/, etc. accordingly.

    • For new features related to the data processing, modify the Python code in ./py/pybtls/post_processing/.

  4. [If applicable] Create unit tests for pytest.

    • Store test file in ./tests/<>.

  5. [If applicable] Create new example notebook.

    • Store notebook in ./docs/source/notebooks/<tutorial.ipynb>.

    • Index notebook in ./docs/source/tutorial.rst

  6. [If applicable] Add new dependencies in ./pyproject.toml

  7. Build documentation

    • Change directory to ./docs/

    • make clean

    • make html

    • xdg-open build/html/index.html

  8. Update version number in the following files

    • ./pyproject.toml

    • ./py/pybtls/

  9. Stage changes; commit; and push to remote fork

  10. Go to GitHub and create PR for the branch