Source code for pybtls.garage.write

The methods and classes that are not defined in Python are defined in C++ py_main.cpp. 

from ..output.output_config import OutputConfig
from ..lib.BTLS import (
from typing import Literal
from pathlib import Path
import os

__all__ = ["write_garage_file"]

[docs] def write_garage_file( vehicle_list: list[_Vehicle], out_path: Path, out_garage_format: Literal[1, 2, 3, 4], **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Write a .txt garage file from a list of Vehicle objects. Parameters ---------- vehicle_list : list[_Vehicle] \n A list of Vehicle objects. \n out_path : Path \n The path of the output garage file. \n out_garage_format : Literal[1,2,3,4] \n The format of the output .txt garage file. \n 1: CASTOR format. \n 2: BEDIT format. \n 3: DITIS format. \n 4: MON format (Recommended). Keyword Arguments ----------------- vehicle_class_type : Literal["axle", "pattern"], optional \n axle: Categorise vehicle by axle. \n pattern (Default): Categorise vehicle by pattern. \n """ current_dir = Path("./").resolve() file_name = absolute_out_dir = ( Path(out_path).resolve().parent if not isinstance(out_path, Path) else out_path.resolve().parent ) os.makedirs(absolute_out_dir, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(absolute_out_dir) config = OutputConfig() config.set_vehicle_file_output( write_vehicle_file=True, vehicle_file_name=file_name, vehicle_file_format=out_garage_format, ) if kwargs.get("vehicle_class_type") == "axle": vehicle_classification = _VehClassAxle() else: vehicle_classification = _VehClassPattern() vehicle_buffer = _VehicleBuffer(config, vehicle_classification, 0.0) for vehicle in vehicle_list: vehicle_buffer.addVehicle(vehicle) vehicle_buffer.flushBuffer() os.chdir(current_dir)