
class InfluenceSurface[source]#

Bases: object

The InfluenceSurface instance in Python stores the data for creating a CInfluenceSurface instance in C++.



Set influence surface data.

set_IS(IS_matrix, lane_position)[source]#

Set influence surface data.


IS_matrix (Union[list,np.ndarray]) –

Influence surface matrix, where the data points are meshed in grid (refer to the BTLS Manual for an example).

First row: The transverse position of the IS data points.

First column: The longitudinal position of the IS data points.

Rest of data: The corresponding values of the IS data points at the positions.

Here’s a simple illustration about the bridge coordinate:

Observe the bridge from its plan view

and regard its longitudinal direction as the horizontal.

Now the origin point is at the left down corner.

lane_position : Union[list,np.ndarray]

Lanes’ transverse positions.

[(lane 1 left, lane 1 right), …, (lane n left, lane n right)]

Lane 1 is the nearest lane to the origin point.

Return type:
