Source code for pybtls.bridge.influence_line

The methods and classes that are not defined in Python are defined in C++ py_main.cpp. 

from ..lib.BTLS import _InfluenceLine, _InfluenceSurface
from ..utils.IL_compress import compress_discrete_IL
import numpy as np
from typing import Union, Literal

__all__ = ["InfluenceLine", "InfluenceSurface"]

[docs] class InfluenceLine: _IL_Index = 0 def __init__(self, IL_type: Literal["discrete", "built-in"]): """ An InfluenceLine instance in Python stores the data for creating a CInfluenceLine instance in C++. \n All length units are in m. Parameters ---------- IL_type : Literal["discrete","built-in"] \n Influence line type. """ self._IL_type = IL_type InfluenceLine._IL_Index += 1 self._IL_index = InfluenceLine._IL_Index self._data_dict = { "position": None, "ordinate": None, "type": None, "length": None, "inf_surf": None, } self._data_assigned = False def __getstate__(self): attribute_dict = {} attribute_dict["IL_type"] = self._IL_type attribute_dict["IL_index"] = self._IL_index attribute_dict["data_dict"] = self._data_dict attribute_dict["data_assigned"] = self._data_assigned return attribute_dict def __setstate__(self, attribute_dict): self._IL_type = attribute_dict["IL_type"] self._IL_index = attribute_dict["IL_index"] self._data_dict = attribute_dict["data_dict"] self._data_assigned = attribute_dict["data_assigned"]
[docs] def set_IL(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Set influence line data. Keyword Arguments ----------------- For discrete: \n - position : Union[list,np.ndarray] \n Discrete influence line position (X). - ordinate : Union[list,np.ndarray] \n Discrete influence line ordinate (Y). - compress_tolerance : float, optional \n The maximum relative error (0.001~0.1) allowed for a discrete influence line to be simplified (to boost simulation). \n The default is None. For built-in: \n - type : Literal[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] \n Built-in influence line type. \n What the number represents: \n (The support numbering starts from the left side.) \n 1: The mid-span sagging BM of a simply supported beam. \n 2: The 2nd support hogging BM of a two-span continuous beam. \n 3: The 1st support SF of a simply supported beam. \n 4: The 2nd support SF of a simply supported beam. \n 5: The 3rd support SF of a two-span continuous beam. \n 6: The 1st support SF of a two-span continuous beam. \n 7: The total weights of vehicle being on the beam. \n 8: The 2nd support hogging BM of a three-span continuous beam. \n 9: The 3rd support hogging BM of a three-span continuous beam. \n (Beams' first and last supports are pin.) - length : float \n Built-in influence line length. Returns ------- None. """ if self._IL_type == "discrete": self._set_IL_discrete(**kwargs) elif self._IL_type == "built-in": self._set_IL_built_in(**kwargs) elif ( self._IL_type == "surface" ): # This is hidden in the doc to avoid user confusion, not an error. self._set_IL_surface(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Invalid influence line type.") self._data_assigned = True
def _set_IL_discrete(self, **kwargs) -> None: position = kwargs.get("position") ordinate = kwargs.get("ordinate") compress_tolerance = kwargs.get("compress_tolerance") if compress_tolerance is not None: if compress_tolerance > 0.1: raise Warning( "The compress_tolerance is too large, which may cause the corresponding load effect significantly inaccurate." ) position, ordinate = compress_discrete_IL( position, ordinate, compress_tolerance ) if position is None or ordinate is None: raise ValueError("Uncompleted input for discrete influence line.") if not isinstance(position, (list, np.ndarray)) or not isinstance( ordinate, (list, np.ndarray) ): raise TypeError("The position and ordinate should be list or np.ndarray.") if len(position) != len(ordinate): raise ValueError("The position and ordinate must be equal length.") self._data_dict["position"] = position self._data_dict["ordinate"] = ordinate def _set_IL_built_in(self, **kwargs) -> None: type = kwargs.get("type") length = kwargs.get("length") if type is None or length is None: raise ValueError("Uncompleted input for built-in influence line.") if not isinstance(type, int) or not isinstance(length, float): raise TypeError("The type should be int and length should be float.") if type not in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]: raise ValueError("Please refer to the doc for the built-in IL type.") self._data_dict["type"] = type self._data_dict["length"] = length def _set_IL_surface(self, **kwargs) -> None: inf_surf = kwargs.get("inf_surf") if inf_surf is None: raise ValueError("Uncompleted input for surface influence line.") if not isinstance(inf_surf, InfluenceSurface): raise TypeError("The IS should be an InfluenceSurface instance.") self._data_dict["inf_surf"] = inf_surf def _get_IL(self) -> _InfluenceLine: """ Get the created C++ CInfluenceLine instance. """ inf_line = _InfluenceLine() if self._IL_type == "discrete": inf_line.setIL(self._data_dict["position"], self._data_dict["ordinate"]) elif self._IL_type == "built-in": inf_line.setIL(self._data_dict["type"], self._data_dict["length"]) elif self._IL_type == "surface": inf_line.setIL(self._data_dict["inf_surf"]._get_IS()) return inf_line
# def show(self) -> None: # """ # Plot the influence line. # Returns # ------- # None. # """ # raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class InfluenceSurface: _IS_Index = 0 def __init__(self): """ The InfluenceSurface instance in Python stores the data for creating a CInfluenceSurface instance in C++. """ InfluenceSurface._IS_Index += 1 self._IS_index = InfluenceSurface._IS_Index self._data_dict = {"lane_position": None, "IS_matrix": None} self._data_assigned = False def __getstate__(self): attribute_dict = {} attribute_dict["IS_index"] = self._IS_index attribute_dict["data_dict"] = self._data_dict attribute_dict["data_assigned"] = self._data_assigned return attribute_dict def __setstate__(self, attribute_dict): self._IS_index = attribute_dict["IS_index"] self._data_dict = attribute_dict["data_dict"] self._data_assigned = attribute_dict["data_assigned"]
[docs] def set_IS( self, IS_matrix: Union[list, np.ndarray], lane_position: Union[list, np.ndarray] ) -> None: """ Set influence surface data. Parameters ---------- IS_matrix : Union[list,np.ndarray]\n Influence surface matrix, where the data points are meshed in grid (refer to the BTLS Manual for an example).\n First row: The transverse position of the IS data points.\n First column: The longitudinal position of the IS data points.\n Rest of data: The corresponding values of the IS data points at the positions.\n Here's a simple illustration about the bridge coordinate:\n Observe the bridge from its plan view\n and regard its longitudinal direction as the horizontal.\n Now the origin point is at the left down corner.\n lane_position : Union[list,np.ndarray]\n Lanes' transverse positions.\n [(lane 1 left, lane 1 right), ..., (lane n left, lane n right)]\n Lane 1 is the nearest lane to the origin point. Returns ------- None. """ if not isinstance(lane_position, (list, np.ndarray)) or not isinstance( IS_matrix, (list, np.ndarray) ): raise TypeError( "The lane_position and IS_matrix should be list or np.ndarray." ) if not isinstance(IS_matrix[0], (list, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError("The IS_matrix should be 2D.") self._data_dict["lane_position"] = lane_position self._data_dict["IS_matrix"] = IS_matrix self._data_assigned = True
def _get_IS(self) -> _InfluenceSurface: """ Get the created C++ CInfluenceSurface instance. """ inf_surf = _InfluenceSurface() inf_surf.setLanes(self._data_dict["lane_position"]) inf_surf.setIS(self._data_dict["IS_matrix"]) return inf_surf
# def show(self) -> None: # """ # Plot the influence surface. # Returns # ------- # None. # """ # raise NotImplementedError()