Simulation with traffic generation.#

This demo is for the case of extrapolating the maximum effect caused by a regional traffic flow.

The bridge:

  • Has four 3.5m-width lanes.

  • Has a length of 20m.

  • Has a width of 16m.

  • Has one load effect being considered.

The traffic flow:

  • Vehicles are generated from Garage model.

  • Headways are in freeflow condition (Poisson arrival model).

The part that has already been introduced in the single_vehicle demo.

But this time we change to define a 4-lane bridge.

import pybtls as pb
from pathlib import Path

# set the load effect by using a 2D influence surface
lanes_position = [(0.5, 4.0), (4.0, 7.5), (8.5, 12.0), (12.0, 15.5)]
IS_matrix = [
    [0.0, 0.0, 4.0, 8.0, 12.0, 16.0],
    [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    [10.0, 0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 2.5, 0.0],
    [20.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
load_effect = pb.InfluenceSurface()
load_effect.set_IS(IS_matrix, lanes_position)

# set the bridge
bridge = pb.Bridge(length=20.0, no_lane=4)
bridge.add_load_effect(inf_line_surf=load_effect, threshold=0.0)
bridge.add_load_effect(inf_line_surf=load_effect, threshold=1000.0)  # We add the same load effect again, but this time with a threshold of 1000.0 for the later POT analysis

Set lane flow compositions (here we just use the same flow for all lanes).

For the lane_dir, 1 means from left to right and 2 means from right to left, based on the same coordinate system as the influence surface.

lfc_lane1 = pb.LaneFlowComposition(lane_index=1, lane_dir=1)
    hourly_truck_flow=[100] * 24,
    hourly_car_flow=[0] * 24,
    hourly_speed_mean=[80 / 3.6 * 10] * 24,
    hourly_speed_std=[10.0] * 24,

lfc_lane2 = pb.LaneFlowComposition(lane_index=2, lane_dir=1)
    hourly_truck_flow=[100] * 24,
    hourly_car_flow=[0] * 24,
    hourly_speed_mean=[80 / 3.6 * 10] * 24,
    hourly_speed_std=[10.0] * 24,

lfc_lane3 = pb.LaneFlowComposition(lane_index=3, lane_dir=2)
    hourly_truck_flow=[100] * 24,
    hourly_car_flow=[0] * 24,
    hourly_speed_mean=[80 / 3.6 * 10] * 24,
    hourly_speed_std=[10.0] * 24,

lfc_lane4 = pb.LaneFlowComposition(lane_index=4, lane_dir=2)
    hourly_truck_flow=[100] * 24,
    hourly_car_flow=[0] * 24,
    hourly_speed_mean=[80 / 3.6 * 10] * 24,
    hourly_speed_std=[10.0] * 24,

Set vehicle generator. Here we use the garage one.

# The kernel is to ensure variation between the generated vehicles and garages.
kernel = [[1.0, 0.08], [1.0, 0.05], [1.0, 0.02]]

vehicle_gen = pb.VehicleGenGarage(
    garage=Path(".") / "garage.txt", kernel=kernel, garage_format=4

Choose headway generator with the freeflow one.

# set headway generator
headway_gen = pb.HeadwayGenFreeflow()

Assemble the vehicle generator and the headway generator with the lfc information to get a traffic generator.

traffic_gen = pb.TrafficGenerator(no_lane=4)
traffic_gen.add_lane(vehicle_gen=vehicle_gen, headway_gen=headway_gen, lfc=lfc_lane1)
traffic_gen.add_lane(vehicle_gen=vehicle_gen, headway_gen=headway_gen, lfc=lfc_lane2)
traffic_gen.add_lane(vehicle_gen=vehicle_gen, headway_gen=headway_gen, lfc=lfc_lane3)
traffic_gen.add_lane(vehicle_gen=vehicle_gen, headway_gen=headway_gen, lfc=lfc_lane4)
# traffic_gen.set_start_time(0.0)  # optional, the default start_time is 0.0 unless you want to change it.

Set output, which will be written to HDD.

To do the extrapolation, we need the block-max and peak-over-threshold output.

output_config = pb.OutputConfig()
    write_vehicle=True, write_summary=True, write_mixed=True
    write_vehicle=True, write_summary=True, write_counter=True

Set the simulation and run.

sim_task = pb.Simulation(Path(".") / "temp")
    no_day=250,  # 1-year working days
    min_gvw=35,  # Ignore vehicles with GVW less than 35 kN.
    # active_lane=[1,2,3,4],  # optional, if not set, all lanes will be active.
    # track_progress=False,  # optional, if True, the progress print will show up.

# run simulation

Check what are the outputs.

sim_output = sim_task.get_output()


Use two simple loops to display all the read-in outputs.

The data are stored as pandas.DataFrame.

from IPython.display import display

case2_output = sim_output["Case2"]

for i in case2_output.get_summary():

    for j in case2_output.read_data(i):
Index Effect Value Time Position on Bridge No. Trucks Trucks
0 1 1 851.5 86009.7 28.40 2 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127ed317...
1 1 2 851.5 86009.7 28.40 2 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127ed323...
2 2 1 912.2 141409.0 26.90 2 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127ed3cb...
3 2 2 912.2 141409.0 26.90 2 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127ed347...
4 3 1 728.1 210254.1 -2.57 2 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127ed3dd...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
495 248 2 848.5 21373964.1 21.78 2 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14010f1d...
496 249 1 509.6 21489013.1 14.24 2 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14010f29...
497 249 2 509.6 21489013.1 14.24 2 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14010f35...
498 250 1 716.2 21575517.0 15.06 2 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14010f41...
499 250 2 716.2 21575517.0 15.06 2 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14010f4d...

500 rows × 7 columns

Index Effect Value Time Position on Bridge No. Trucks Trucks
0 1 1 1152.8 72178.8 22.32 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127edb8f0>]
1 1 2 1152.8 72178.8 22.32 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127edb950>]
2 2 1 1152.6 89180.0 21.65 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127edb830>]
3 2 2 1152.6 89180.0 21.65 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127edaf90>]
4 3 1 1142.6 175921.2 22.02 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127edae10>]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
495 248 2 1122.3 21400190.1 -1.61 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x140164d70>]
496 249 1 1116.6 21508482.4 22.69 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x140164dd0>]
497 249 2 1116.6 21508482.4 22.69 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x140164e30>]
498 250 1 1148.9 21522860.1 22.02 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x140164e90>]
499 250 2 1148.9 21522860.1 22.02 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x140164ef0>]

500 rows × 7 columns

Index Effect Value Time Position on Bridge No. Trucks Trucks
0 2 1 577.1 119150.6 21.56 3 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14012d13...
1 2 2 577.1 119150.6 21.56 3 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14012dbb...
2 3 1 34.5 176750.8 -2.60 3 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14012dd3...
3 3 2 34.5 176750.8 -2.60 3 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14012dfd...
4 4 1 433.8 277810.9 33.93 3 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14012e0f...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
71 208 2 243.7 17908150.0 -16.38 3 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14011f17...
72 239 1 385.2 20602573.4 6.38 3 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14011f29...
73 239 2 385.2 20602573.4 6.38 3 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14011f3b...
74 241 1 755.5 20769591.6 -13.34 3 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14011f4d...
75 241 2 755.5 20769591.6 -13.34 3 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x14011f5f...

76 rows × 7 columns

Index Effect Value Time Position on Bridge No. Trucks Trucks
0 1 1 1152.8 72178.8 22.32 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127ed9fd0>]
1 1 2 1152.8 72178.8 22.32 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127ed9df0>]
2 2 1 1152.6 89180.0 21.65 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127ed9f10>]
3 2 2 1152.6 89180.0 21.65 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127ed94f0>]
4 3 1 1142.6 175921.2 22.02 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x127ed9370>]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
495 248 2 1122.3 21400190.1 -1.61 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x140155790>]
496 249 1 1116.6 21508482.4 22.69 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x1401558b0>]
497 249 2 1116.6 21508482.4 22.69 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x140155730>]
498 250 1 1148.9 21522860.1 22.02 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x140155850>]
499 250 2 1148.9 21522860.1 22.02 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x1401556d0>]

500 rows × 7 columns

Block Index 1-Truck Event 2-Truck Event 3-Truck Event
0 1 1152.8 851.5 NaN
1 2 1152.6 912.2 577.1
2 3 1142.6 728.1 34.5
3 4 1114.8 1108.0 433.8
4 5 1131.7 1162.3 278.3
... ... ... ... ...
245 246 1144.9 659.9 NaN
246 247 1083.9 511.5 NaN
247 248 1122.3 848.5 NaN
248 249 1116.6 509.6 NaN
249 250 1148.9 716.2 NaN

250 rows × 4 columns

Block Index 1-Truck Event 2-Truck Event 3-Truck Event
0 1 1152.8 851.5 NaN
1 2 1152.6 912.2 577.1
2 3 1142.6 728.1 34.5
3 4 1114.8 1108.0 433.8
4 5 1131.7 1162.3 278.3
... ... ... ... ...
245 246 1144.9 659.9 NaN
246 247 1083.9 511.5 NaN
247 248 1122.3 848.5 NaN
248 249 1116.6 509.6 NaN
249 250 1148.9 716.2 NaN

250 rows × 4 columns

Index Effect Value Time Position on Bridge No. Trucks Trucks
0 1 1 174.2 77.8 13.98 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x29942ebd0>]
1 1 2 174.2 77.8 13.98 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x29942ec30>]
2 2 1 151.2 122.2 4.75 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x29942ec90>]
3 2 2 151.2 122.2 4.75 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x29942f590>]
4 3 1 277.0 160.6 13.93 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x29942f710>]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
745315 2658 2 557.9 21599860.3 22.89 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c1c50710>]
745316 2659 1 204.4 21599867.3 10.65 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c1c50770>]
745317 2659 2 204.4 21599867.3 10.65 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c1c507d0>]
745318 2660 1 529.2 21599874.5 5.46 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c1c50830>]
745319 2660 2 529.2 21599874.5 5.46 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c1c50890>]

745320 rows × 7 columns

Index Effect Value Time Position on Bridge No. Trucks Trucks
0 1 1 1076.6 15308.3 -1.15 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c1650950>]
1 1 2 1076.6 15308.3 -1.15 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c16509b0>]
2 2 1 1044.7 19863.9 18.67 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c1650a10>]
3 2 2 1044.7 19863.9 18.67 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c1651430>]
4 3 1 1149.6 31969.8 -2.09 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c16515b0>]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4369 12 2 1073.3 21587461.9 23.08 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c16e42f0>]
4370 13 1 1006.2 21593103.8 18.33 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c16e4350>]
4371 13 2 1006.2 21593103.8 18.33 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c16e43b0>]
4372 14 1 1056.7 21599507.2 0.25 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c16e4410>]
4373 14 2 1056.7 21599507.2 0.25 1 [<pybtls.lib.BTLS.Vehicle object at 0x2c16e4470>]

4374 rows × 7 columns

Peak Index Time No. Trucks Peak Value
0 1 15308.3 1 1076.6
1 2 19863.9 1 1044.7
2 3 31969.8 1 1149.6
3 4 33774.4 1 1109.9
4 5 65469.4 1 1062.8
... ... ... ... ...
2182 10 21575323.8 1 1078.3
2183 11 21576665.2 1 1102.4
2184 12 21587461.9 1 1073.3
2185 13 21593103.8 1 1006.2
2186 14 21599507.2 1 1056.7

2187 rows × 4 columns

Peak Index Time No. Trucks Peak Value
0 1 77.8 1 174.2
1 2 122.2 1 151.2
2 3 160.6 1 277.0
3 4 166.3 1 698.5
4 5 214.7 1 207.2
... ... ... ... ...
372655 2656 21599843.5 1 51.5
372656 2657 21599859.9 1 603.5
372657 2658 21599860.3 1 557.9
372658 2659 21599867.3 1 204.4
372659 2660 21599874.5 1 529.2

372660 rows × 4 columns

Block Effect 1 Effect 2
0 1 1624 8
1 2 1435 7
2 3 1560 8
3 4 1546 8
4 5 1602 10
... ... ... ...
282 247 1392 10
283 248 1519 11
284 249 322 1
285 249 1195 2
286 250 1465 12

287 rows × 3 columns

The simulation output can be saved and loaded for further analysis.

pb.save_output(sim_output, Path("./temp") / "output.pkl")
sim_output = pb.load_output(Path("./temp") / "output.pkl")
Outputs have been successfully saved to temp/output.pkl!
Outputs have been successfully loaded from temp/output.pkl!