PyCBA - Continuous Beam Analysis - Influence Lines Module
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .analysis import BeamAnalysis
[docs]class InfluenceLines:
Creates influence lines for an arbitrary beam configuration using CBA
def __init__(
L: np.ndarray,
EI: Union[float, np.ndarray],
R: np.ndarray,
eletype: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
Constructs an influence line object for a beam
L : np.ndarray
A vector of span lengths.
EI : Union[float, np.ndarray]
A vector of member flexural rigidities.
R : np.ndarray
A vector describing the support conditions at each member end.
eletype : Optional[np.ndarray]
A vector of the member types. Defaults to a fixed-fixed element.
self.ba = BeamAnalysis(L=L, EI=EI, R=R, eletype=eletype)
self.L = self.ba.beam.length
self.vResults = []
self.pos = []
[docs] def create_ils(self, step: Optional[float] = None, load_val: float = 1.0):
Creates the influence lines by marching the unit load (`load_val`) across
the defined beam configuration in `step` distance increments, storing the
static analysis results in a vector of :class:`pycba.results.BeamResults`.
step : Optional[float]
The distance increment to move the unit load; defaults to beam length / 100.
load_val : float, optional
The nominal value of the "unit load". The default is 1.0.
If a static beam analysis does not succeed, usually due to a beam
configuration error.
self.vResults = [] # reset
if step is None:
step = self.L / 100
npts = round(self.L / step) + 1
for i in range(npts):
# load position
pos = i * step
# locate load on span
ispan, pos_in_span = self.ba.beam.get_local_span_coords(pos)
if ispan == -1:
load_val = 0.0
# assemble and set load matrix
self.ba.set_loads([[ispan + 1, 2, load_val, pos_in_span, 0]])
# analyze
out = self.ba.analyze()
if out != 0:
raise ValueError("IL analysis did not succeed")
[docs] def get_il(self, poi: float, load_effect: str) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
Returns the influence line at a point of interest for a load effect.
poi : float
The position of interest in global coordinates along the length of the
load_effect : str
A single character to identify the load effect of interest, currently
one of:
- **V**: shear force
- **M**: bending moment
- **R**: vertical reaction at a fully restrained support
The vertical reaction nearest the `poi` is used. For moment reactions
use a poi at or just beside the support.
(x,eta) : tuple(np.ndarray,np.ndarray)
A tuple of the vectors of abcissa and influence ordinates.
if not self.vResults:
x = self.vResults[0].results.x
npts = len(self.vResults)
eta = np.zeros(npts)
# Preparations for reaction ILs
# Get vector of the node locations
node_locations = np.cumsum(np.insert(self.ba.beam.mbr_lengths, 0, 0))
# Link the supported DOF to the index in the BeamAnalysis reactions vector
idx_mask = np.zeros_like(self.ba._beam.restraints)
idx_mask[np.where(np.array(self.ba._beam.restraints) == -1)] = np.arange(
# idx = np.abs(x - poi).argmin()
if load_effect.upper() == "V":
dx = x[2] - x[1]
idx = np.where(np.abs(x - poi) <= dx * 1e-6)[0][0]
for i, res in enumerate(self.vResults):
eta[i] = res.results.V[idx]
elif load_effect.upper() == "R":
# Getting the correct reaction is tricky
# The indices of the supported DOFs wrt the node locations vector
vert_sups_dof_idx = np.where(np.array(self.ba._beam.restraints)[::2] == -1)[
# The locations then of these supports
vert_sups_locs = node_locations[vert_sups_dof_idx]
# The index of the closest support
closest_vert_sup_idx = np.abs(vert_sups_locs - poi).argmin()
# And its value
closest_vert_sup = vert_sups_locs[closest_vert_sup_idx]
# And now the index of this support in the node locations vector
vert_sup_node_idx = np.where(node_locations == closest_vert_sup)[0][0]
# And hence its index in the overall DOFs vector
vert_sup_dof_idx = 2 * vert_sup_node_idx
# And finally the index of the support nearest the POI in the reactions vector
vert_sup_idx = idx_mask[vert_sup_dof_idx]
for i, res in enumerate(self.vResults):
eta[i] = res.R[vert_sup_idx]
elif load_effect.upper() == "MR":
# Follows the same logic for the vertical reaction
mt_sups_dof_idx = np.where(np.array(self.ba._beam.restraints)[1::2] == -1)[
mt_sups_locs = node_locations[mt_sups_dof_idx]
closest_mt_sup_idx = np.abs(mt_sups_locs - poi).argmin()
closest_mt_sup = mt_sups_locs[closest_mt_sup_idx]
mt_sup_node_idx = np.where(node_locations == closest_mt_sup)[0][0]
mt_sup_dof_idx = 2 * mt_sup_node_idx + 1
mt_sup_idx = idx_mask[mt_sup_dof_idx]
for i, res in enumerate(self.vResults):
eta[i] = res.R[mt_sup_idx]
dx = x[2] - x[1]
idx = np.where(np.abs(x - poi) <= dx * 1e-6)[0][0]
for i, res in enumerate(self.vResults):
eta[i] = res.results.M[idx]
return (np.array(self.pos), eta)
[docs] def plot_il(self, poi: float, load_effect: str, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None):
Retrieves and plots the IL on either a supplied or new axes.
poi : float
The position of interest in global coordinates along the length of the
load_effect : str
A single character to identify the load effect of interest, currently
one of:
- **V**: shear force
- **M**: bending moment
- **R**: vertical reaction at a fully restrained support
The vertical reaction nearest the `poi` is used. For moment reactions
use a poi at or just beside the support.
ax : Optional[plt.Axes]
A user-supplied matplotlib Axes object; when None (default), one is
created for the plot.
(x, y) = self.get_il(poi, load_effect)
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot([0, self.L], [0, 0], "k", lw=2)
ax.plot(x, y, "r")
ax.set_ylabel("Influence Ordinate")
ax.set_xlabel("Distance along beam (m)")
ax.set_title(f"IL for {load_effect} at {poi}")