Source code for pybtls.simulation

The module that assembles everything together for the simulation. \n
The methods and classes that are not defined in Python are defined in C++ py_main.cpp. 

from .lib.BTLS import Vehicle, _Vehicle, _VehClassPattern, _VehClassAxle, _VehicleBuffer
from .bridge import Bridge
from .traffic import TrafficGenerator, TrafficLoader
from .output import OutputConfig, _OutputManager
from typing import Union
from pathlib import Path
import importlib.metadata as package_metadata
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
import platform

__all__ = ["Simulation"]

[docs] class Simulation: def __init__(self, output_dir: Path = Path("./")): """ This is the class for setting and running simulations. Parameters ---------- output_dir : Path, optional\n The output directory for the simulation results. The default is "./". """ try: multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn") except: pass self._sim_count = 0 self._sim_argument = [] self._sim_output = {} self._output_root = ( Path(output_dir).resolve() if not isinstance(output_dir, Path) else output_dir.resolve() ) self._write_version_info()
[docs] def add_sim( self, bridge: Bridge = None, traffic: Union[TrafficGenerator, TrafficLoader] = None, no_day: int = None, output_config: OutputConfig = None, time_step: float = 0.1, min_gvw: int = 0, vehicle: Union[Vehicle, _Vehicle] = None, active_lane: list[int] = None, tag: str = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Add a simulation to the simulation queue. Parameters ---------- bridge : Bridge, optional\n The bridge to be calculated load effect. If not provided, there will not be load effect calculation. traffic : Union[TrafficGenerator,TrafficLoader], optional\n The traffic can be either generated or recorded. no_day : int, optional\n The number of days to be simulated (in day). If not provided, the number of days will be the same as the recorded traffic (if given). A single-vehicle simulation will ignore this argument. output_config : OutputConfig, optional\n The output configuration. This argument is essential for traffic simulation. A single-vehicle simulation will ignore this argument. time_step : float, optional\n The calculation time step (in s) for the simulation (about precision). This argument is only used in load effect calculation for traffic simulation. A single-vehicle simulation will ignore this argument. min_gvw : int, optional\n The minimum gross vehicle weight (in kN) to be considered in the load effect calculation for traffic simulation. A single-vehicle simulation will ignore this argument. vehicle : Union[Vehicle, _Vehicle], optional\n The vehicle for a single-vehicle simulation. active_lane : list[int], optional\n The active bridge lanes during the simulation. The default is None, which means all lanes are active. [1-based global index]. tag : str, optional\n The tag for the simulation. The default tag will be "Sim_{Simulation Order}". Keyword Arguments ----------------- overlap_avoid_distance : float, optional\n The minimum chase distance (in m) between two vehicles to avoid overlap (should equal to bridge length). If the bridge argument has an input then no need to specify this argument. The default is 100.0. track_progress : bool, optional\n Whether to track the simulation progress. A single-vehicle simulation will ignore this argument. The default is False. """ self._sim_count += 1 if tag is None: sim_tag = "Sim_" + str(self._sim_count) else: sim_tag = tag overlap_avoid_distance = kwargs.get("min_chase_distance", 100.0) track_progress = kwargs.get("track_progress", False) self._sim_argument.append( ( bridge, traffic, no_day, output_config, time_step, min_gvw, vehicle, active_lane, sim_tag, overlap_avoid_distance, track_progress, self._output_root, ) )
[docs] def run(self, no_core: int = None) -> None: """ Run the simulations. \n Parameters ---------- no_core : int, optional\n The number of cores to be used for multi-core running. \n If no_core is one or there is only one added simulation, the running will be single-core. \n Otherwise, the running will be multi-core. \n By default, (no_cpu_logic_core - 2) processes will be used for multi-core running. Returns ------- None """ if no_core == 1 or len(self._sim_argument) == 1: for sim_arg in self._sim_argument: self._sim_output[sim_arg[8]] = self._single_sim(sim_arg) else: no_processes = ( no_core if no_core is not None else multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 2 ) with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=no_processes) as pool: temp =, self._sim_argument) for i, sim_arg in enumerate(self._sim_argument): self._sim_output[sim_arg[8]] = temp[i]
[docs] def get_output(self) -> dict[str, _OutputManager]: """ Get the output manager for each simulation. Returns ------- dict[str, _OutputManager] A dict storing output manager for each simulation.\n The keys are the sim_tags. """ return self._sim_output
[docs] def get_no_sim(self) -> int: """ Get the number of simulations. Returns ------- int The number of simulations. """ return self._sim_count
def _single_sim(self, args: tuple) -> _OutputManager: ( bridge, traffic, no_day, output_config, time_step, min_gvw, vehicle, active_lane, sim_tag, overlap_avoid_distance, track_progress, output_root, ) = args if traffic is not None: return self._single_traffic_sim( bridge, traffic, no_day, output_config, time_step, min_gvw, active_lane, sim_tag, overlap_avoid_distance, track_progress, output_root, ) elif vehicle is not None: return self._single_vehicle_sim( bridge, vehicle, active_lane, sim_tag, output_root ) else: raise ValueError("Either traffic or vehicle should be provided.") def _single_vehicle_sim( self, bridge, vehicle, active_lane, sim_tag, output_root ) -> _OutputManager: sim_root = Path("./").resolve() os.makedirs(output_root / str(sim_tag), exist_ok=False) os.chdir(output_root / str(sim_tag)) if not isinstance(bridge, Bridge): raise TypeError("Argument bridge needs to be Bridge type.") if not isinstance(vehicle, (Vehicle, _Vehicle)): raise TypeError("Argument vehicle needs to be Vehicle type.") if active_lane is None: lane_for_calc = list(range(1, bridge.no_lane + 1)) # 1-based global index else: if not isinstance(active_lane, list): raise TypeError("Argument active_lane needs to be a list.") if max(active_lane) > bridge.no_lane: raise ValueError( "The maximum lane index in active_lane is larger than the number of lanes on the bridge." ) lane_for_calc = active_lane # 1-based global index no_dir = 2 bridge_length = bridge.length vehicle_time_gap = 2 * (bridge_length + vehicle.get_length()) / 1.0 # in s vehicle.set_velocity(1.0) # 1 m/s no_lane_dir_1 = [bridge.no_lane, 0] no_lane_dir_2 = [0, bridge.no_lane] output_config = OutputConfig() output_config.set_event_output( write_time_history=True, write_each_event=True ) # set output for i in range(no_dir): current_time = 0.0 vehicle.set_time(current_time) os.mkdir("dir" + str(i + 1)) os.chdir("dir" + str(i + 1)) output_config._setRoad( bridge.no_lane, 1, no_lane_dir_1[i], no_lane_dir_2[i] ) load_calc = bridge._get_bridge( output_config ) # vehicle drive from one dirn then another load_calc.initializeDataMgr(current_time) load_calc.setCalcTimeStep(0.01) for j, lane_index in enumerate(lane_for_calc): next_arrival_time = (j + 1) * vehicle_time_gap vehicle.set_time(current_time) vehicle.set_direction(i + 1) vehicle.set_local_from_global_lane(lane_index, bridge.no_lane) load_calc.addVehicle(vehicle) load_calc.update(next_arrival_time, current_time) current_time = next_arrival_time load_calc.finish() os.chdir("..") os.chdir(sim_root) return _OutputManager(output_root, sim_tag, None) def _single_traffic_sim( self, bridge, traffic, no_day, output_config, time_step, min_gvw, active_lane, sim_tag, overlap_avoid_distance, track_progress, output_root, ) -> _OutputManager: sim_root = Path("./").resolve() os.makedirs(output_root / str(sim_tag), exist_ok=False) os.chdir(output_root / str(sim_tag)) if isinstance(traffic, TrafficGenerator) and no_day is None: raise ValueError("Argument no_day is not given.") elif isinstance(traffic, TrafficLoader) and no_day is None: no_day = traffic.sim_day else: no_day = int(no_day) if not isinstance(output_config, OutputConfig): raise TypeError("Argument output needs to be OutputConfig type.") output_config._setRoad( traffic.no_lane, traffic.no_dir, traffic.no_lane_dir_1, traffic.no_lane_dir_2, ) # this info is used by VehBuffer and EventManager(in CBridge) if traffic.vehicle_classifier == 0: vehicle_classifier = _VehClassAxle() else: vehicle_classifier = _VehClassPattern() current_time = 0.0 end_time = no_day * 86400.0 # 24*3600 vehicle_buffer = _VehicleBuffer(output_config, vehicle_classifier, current_time) bridge_length = overlap_avoid_distance # magic number, to avoid vehicle overlap if track_progress: current_day = 0 sim_progress_print = "" print("Starting simulation...") print("Day complete...") if isinstance(bridge, Bridge): load_calc = bridge._get_bridge(output_config) if bridge.no_lane != traffic.no_lane: raise RuntimeError( "The number of lanes in the bridge and traffic generator are not equal." ) load_calc.initializeDataMgr(current_time) load_calc.setCalcTimeStep(time_step) bridge_length = bridge.length if isinstance(traffic, TrafficGenerator): lane_list = traffic._get_traffic_generator(bridge_length) elif isinstance(traffic, TrafficLoader): lane_list = traffic._get_traffic_loader() else: raise TypeError( "traffic should be either TrafficGenerator or TrafficLoader." ) if active_lane is None: lane_for_calc = lane_list else: if not isinstance(active_lane, list): raise TypeError("Argument active_lane needs to be a list.") if max(active_lane) > traffic.no_lane: raise ValueError( "The maximum lane index in active_lane is larger than the number of lanes on the bridge." ) lane_for_calc = [lane_list[i - 1] for i in active_lane] while current_time <= end_time: lane_for_calc = sorted(lane_for_calc, key=lambda t: t.getNextArrivalTime()) next_arrival_time = lane_for_calc[0].getNextArrivalTime() vehicle = lane_for_calc[0].getNextVehicle() if ( vehicle is None ): # This is to skip the empty (NoneType) vehicle at the end of Read&Sim break vehicle_buffer.addVehicle(vehicle) if isinstance(bridge, Bridge): load_calc.update(next_arrival_time, current_time) if vehicle.get_gvw() > int(min_gvw): # BTLS requires in size_t kN load_calc.addVehicle(vehicle) current_time = vehicle.get_time() if track_progress: if current_time > 86400 * (current_day + 1): current_day += 1 sim_progress_print += "\t" + str(current_day) if current_day % 10 == 0: print(sim_progress_print) sim_progress_print = "" if isinstance(bridge, Bridge): load_calc.finish() vehicle_buffer.flushBuffer() os.chdir(sim_root) return _OutputManager(output_root, sim_tag, output_config) def _write_version_info(self): """ This method writes the Python and pybtls version information to the output directory. """ os.makedirs(self._output_root, exist_ok=True) version_file_path = self._output_root / "sim_version_info.txt" pybtls_version = package_metadata.version("pybtls") python_version = sys.version cpu_architecture = platform.machine() with open(version_file_path, "w") as version_file: version_file.write(f"PyBTLS Version: {pybtls_version}\n") version_file.write(f"Python Version: {python_version}\n") version_file.write(f"CPU Architecture: {cpu_architecture}\n")