- class Grid[source]#
A class that provides a user-friendly interface to OpenSeesPy for the analysis of plane elastic grids.
Initialize the grid
- Return type
Add a load to the grid.
Adds a member to the grid.
Adds a node to the grid
Add a support to a node in the grid.
Executes the analysis for the grid object using OpenSeesPy
Clears any nodes or members from the grid.
Returns the displacements for a node
Gets the member from a member object, id, or a tuple of node labels.
Returns the member end forces for the indicated DOF in the global coordinate system.
Gets the node from an node object, id or label.
Returns the reactions for a node
Returns the system global force vector after the imposition of boundary conditions.
Returns the system global stiffness matrix after the imposition of boundary conditions.
Plot the bending moment diagram.
Plot the deflected shape diagram.
Plot the grid, showing nodes & members, and their indices.
Plot the results of the grid analysis including:
Plot the shear force diagram.
Plot the torsion moment diagram.
- add_node(label, x, y)[source]#
Adds a node to the grid
- Parameters
label (str) – A user-friendly label for the node, e.g. “A”.
x (float) – The x-axis coordinate of the node.
y (float) – The y-axis coordinate of the node.
- Returns
- Return type
- add_load(node, Fz=0, Mx=0, My=0)[source]#
Add a load to the grid.
- Parameters
node (Union[Node,str,int]) – Node object, label, or id
Fz (float, optional) – Vertical load. The default is 0.
Mx (float, optional) – Moment about the x-axis. The default is 0.
My (float, optional) – Moment about the y-axis. The default is 0.
- Raises
ValueError – If node object, label, or id not passed, or is multiple nodes match the label, or no node found.
- Return type
- add_support(node, support=None)[source]#
Add a support to a node in the grid.
- Parameters
node (Union[Node,str,int]) – Node object, label, or id
support (Union[Support,str]) –
The support type, a
object. Alternatively, a single character support descriptor as astr
can be used as follows:X =
Y =
F =
V =
P =
- Return type
- get_node(node=typing.Union[ospgrid.grid.Node, str, int])[source]#
Gets the node from an node object, id or label.
- Parameters
node (Union[Node,str,int]) – Node object, label, or id
- Raises
ValueError – If node object, label, or id not passed, or is multiple nodes match the label, or no node found.
- Return type
Node object.
- get_member(member=typing.Union[ospgrid.grid.Member, int, typing.Tuple[str, str]])[source]#
Gets the member from a member object, id, or a tuple of node labels.
- Parameters
member (Union[Member,int, Tuple[str,str]], optional Member object, id, or) – node labels.
- Raises
ValueError – If member object, or id not passed, or is multiple nodes match the label, or no node found.
- Return type
- analyze()[source]#
Executes the analysis for the grid object using OpenSeesPy
- Returns
osp – The OpenSeesPy instance, which can be used for querying results directly or otherwise manipulating the model further.
- Return type
OpenSeesPy instance
- get_displacement(node=typing.Union[ospgrid.grid.Node, str, int], dof=-1)[source]#
Returns the displacements for a node
- Parameters
node (Union[Node,str,int]) – Node object, label, or id
dof (int [optional]) – The degree of freedom of interest. Defaults to all.
- Raises
ValueError – If node object, label, or id not passed, or is multiple nodes match the label, or no node found.
- Return type
- get_reactions(node=typing.Union[ospgrid.grid.Node, str, int], dof=-1)[source]#
Returns the reactions for a node
- Parameters
node (Union[Node,str,int]) – Node object, label, or id
dof (int [optional]) – The degree of freedom of interest. Defaults to all.
- Raises
ValueError – If node object, label, or id not passed, or is multiple nodes match the label, or no node found.
- Return type
- get_system_stiffness()[source]#
Returns the system global stiffness matrix after the imposition of boundary conditions.
- Returns
K – A square numpy array of the reduced global stiffness matrix
- Return type
- get_system_force()[source]#
Returns the system global force vector after the imposition of boundary conditions.
- Returns
F – A numpy vector of the reduced global system force vector
- Return type
- get_member_forces(member, dof=-1)[source]#
Returns the member end forces for the indicated DOF in the global coordinate system.
- Parameters
member (Union[Member, int, Tuple[str,str]]) – Member object, id, or a tuple of node labels.
dof (int [optional]) – The degree of freedom of interest. Defaults to all.
- Returns
F – A 12 element list: 6 DOFs for node i, and 6 DOFs for node j, in the order Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz.
- Return type
- plot_results(figsize=None, axes_on=True, scale_factor=0.0, axis_title=True, save_figs=False, filename='ospgrid_results.pdf', transparent=False, bbox=False, pad=20, values=True)[source]#
- Plot the results of the grid analysis including:
the grid
the deflected shape
the BMD, SFD, and TMD
- Parameters
axes_on (bool, optional) – Whether or not to have the axes on in the plots. The default is True.
scale_factor (float, List[float] optional) – If a single float: the scale of the deformations to use. When this value is zero, auto-scaling is done. The default is 0. If a list of floats of size 4, then the scale factors are applied in the order deformations; bending; shear; torsion.
axis_title (bool, optional) – Whether or not to have the axes title in the plots. The default is True.
save_figs (bool, optional) – Whether or not to save the plots to PDF. The default is False.
filename (string) – The file to which the results are saved.
transparent (bool, optional) – Whether or not the plots should be transparent. The default is False.
bbox (bool, optional) – Whether or not to crop the figure to a bounding box of its contents. Only applies to image files, e.g., png, jpg, etc (not PDF)
pad (int, optional) – If applying the bbox cropping to an image, a padding to apply to the contents. Defaults to 20 px.
values (bool, optional) – Whether or not to print the salient values on the force diagrams
- Return type
- plot_grid(figsize=None, axes_on=True, axis_title=True)[source]#
Plot the grid, showing nodes & members, and their indices.
- Parameters
figsize (TYPE, optional) – The size of the figure in inches. The default is self.FIGSIZE.
axes_on (bool, optional) – Whether or not to have the axes on in the plots. The default is True.
axis_title (bool, optional) – Whether or not to have the axes title in the plots. The default is True.
- Return type
- plot_dsd(scale_factor=0, figsize=None, axes_on=True, axis_title=True)[source]#
Plot the deflected shape diagram.
- Parameters
scale_factor (float) – The scale of the deformations to use. When this value is zero, auto-scaling is done. The default is 0.
figsize (TYPE, optional) – The size of the figure in inches. The default is self.FIGSIZE.
axes_on (bool, optional) – Whether or not to have the axes on in the plots. The default is True.
axis_title (bool, optional) – Whether or not to have the axes title in the plots. The default is True.
- Return type
- plot_bmd(scale_factor=1.0, figsize=None, axes_on=True, axis_title=True, values=True)[source]#
Plot the bending moment diagram.
- Parameters
scale_factor (float) – The scale of the bending moment to use. The default is 1.0.
figsize (TYPE, optional) – The size of the figure in inches. The default is self.FIGSIZE.
axes_on (bool, optional) – Whether or not to have the axes on in the plots. The default is True.
axis_title (bool, optional) – Whether or not to have the axes title in the plots. The default is True.
values (bool optional) – Wether or not to print the values at the member ends
- Return type
- plot_sfd(scale_factor=1.0, figsize=None, axes_on=True, axis_title=True, values=True)[source]#
Plot the shear force diagram.
- Parameters
scale_factor (float) – The scale of the bending moment to use. The default is 1.0. A negative sign is then applied to flip the diagram so that it appears per convention.
figsize (TYPE, optional) – The size of the figure in inches. The default is self.FIGSIZE.
axes_on (bool, optional) – Whether or not to have the axes on in the plots. The default is True.
axis_title (bool, optional) – Whether or not to have the axes title in the plots. The default is True.
values (bool optional) – Wether or not to print the values at the member ends
- Return type
- plot_tmd(scale_factor=1.0, figsize=None, axes_on=True, axis_title=True, values=True)[source]#
Plot the torsion moment diagram.
- Parameters
scale_factor (float) – The scale of the bending moment to use. The default is 1.0. A negative sign is then applied to flip the diagram so that it appears per convention.
figsize (TYPE, optional) – The size of the figure in inches. The default is self.FIGSIZE.
axes_on (bool, optional) – Whether or not to have the axes on in the plots. The default is True.
axis_title (bool, optional) – Whether or not to have the axes title in the plots. The default is True.
values (bool optional) – Wether or not to print the values at the member ends
- Return type